Hey everyone, It is that time of year again when we hit the timber looking for horns that Mr. BIG may have left for us to pick up. While Shed hunting has grown to be a huge sport in its self, I am actually using the time in the woods scouting for potential stand sites for the coming fall. If I find a few sheds while out in the woods I consider it a great bonus. I have found that scouting this time of the year some of the best times to determine bedding areas, travel corridors, pinch points to set me up for success in the fall. Of coarse things always change such as food sources that can change a deers travel patterns. However one can take in consideration the crop that was planted the year prior and make some assumptions.
This is the time of year you can easily see where the deer are traveling and what would be "the best tree" to hang your next set for the coming season. If you are needing to to do some "trimming", it is a good time to do some as well. I will do some preliminary trimming now so I do not have to do as much in the late summer or fall. I may also fell some trees to narrow the pinch points down even further. I believe this time of the year is the best where there is ample time to cover up the "foot prints" I am leaving in the timber.
This is also the time I am firing up all of my mineral sites is stratigic locations close to travel routs. This gives deer the added nutrition they need lactating does and growing BIG bone.
What are you doing now to prepare for next season?
Great tips Bruce ! I am doing all of the above also !