Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Side tracked... just for a little while

There is only one time of year that I get a little side tracked from thinking about Whitetails. That would be Spring, which is when I start thinking about my second favorite species to hunt. Yes, that's right, the elusive Eastern Turkey of Wisconsin. I love the sounds of the song birds of Spring, especially the gobble of a "Thunder Chicken". After a long Winter, it seems to get me back into the hunting mode, and my predatory skills start kicking in once again. I had my best season of turkey hunting in 2011, which consisted of shooting 3 Longbeards, with the bow, and all on video. Now, it's only been a week since I shot 2 turkeys, on the same day, in 2 different zones with the bow, but it is over, and now I feel the need to get my head back on straight and start thinking / dreaming of big mature bucks of the Fall, since bowhunting Whitetails is my true passion. I have taken some time in past months of preparation for Whitetails, by choosing new stand sites, mineral sites, camera locations, and trimming obstructions in shooting windows. I still have to admit those turkeys pull me away from some of that needed preparation for deer. From here on in, my head is back where I believe it needs to be, and I look forward to spending upcoming weeks in the outdoors, with friends, and also helping them prepare for the "Kings of the Fall". So I'll admit I'm guilty... I've been "Side tracked... just for a little while."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Its that time of year again

Hey everyone, It is that time of year again when we hit the timber looking for horns that Mr. BIG may have left for us to pick up. While Shed hunting has grown to be a huge sport in its self, I am actually using the time in the woods scouting for potential stand sites for the coming fall. If I find a few sheds while out in the woods I consider it a great bonus. I have found that scouting this time of the year some of the best times to determine bedding areas, travel corridors, pinch points to set me up for success in the fall. Of coarse things always change such as food sources that can change a deers travel patterns. However one can take in consideration the crop that was planted the year prior and make some assumptions.
This is the time of year you can easily see where the deer are traveling and what would be "the best tree" to hang your next set for the coming season. If you are needing to to do some "trimming", it is a good time to do some as well. I will do some preliminary trimming now so I do not have to do as much in the late summer or fall. I may also fell some trees to narrow the pinch points down even further. I believe this time of the year is the best where there is ample time to cover up the "foot prints" I am leaving in the timber.
This is also the time I am firing up all of my mineral sites is stratigic locations close to travel routs. This gives deer the added nutrition they need lactating does and growing BIG bone.
What are you doing now to prepare for next season?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Next Generation


Every year when the whitetail deer hunting season comes to an end, I immediately start looking forward to the next. At no other time has this been more apparent. My son turns 10, and will be able to hunt whitetail deer with me for the first time. I have been waiting to pass down our hunting tradition to the next generation for a long time.

When my son asked if he could hunt with us this year, I was very excited. Last year he wanted to go scouting more than ever. He also was more interested in looking at trail camera pictures. When he asked for his own trail camera, I knew he would be my hunting partner. Last year he even sat in a box blind with me a couple of days. The sight of deer coming into the field, and right in front of us got him very excited.

My biggest concern is his safety. We have already started talking about what he needs to do to become a safe hunter. His first gun is the next decision that had to be made. The area where we hunt whitetails is a shotgun zone. After a lot of thought I have decided a Thompson Center Encore with a 20 gauge rifled slug barrel would be best. Since it is a single shot, I felt it would be safer for a new hunter.

Like most children these days my son loves to play video games. Keeping the next generation interested is important, or they will get bored quickly. So I have to find a stand location for him, where there will be a lot of action. This will help him keep his interest, and put him on the path to becoming a hunter and outdoor enthusiast.

Our hunting group only harvests does and mature bucks. I have talked to my son about why we prefer to do this. He understands if you shoot a lot of younger bucks there will not be many older bucks. Even though I really believe in this practice, I will not tell a young hunter what he can shoot. My son knows he can harvest any whitetail deer he chooses.

We have gotten pictures of a nice 3 ½ year old 10 pointer with his trail camera last year. This buck will be a great buck, no matter how old you are, or how many bucks you have harvested. For a first buck, especially for a young hunter, he will be an incredible buck. All of my planning will try and put him in position to get an opportunity at this buck.

For the first time the success of my hunting season will not be about whether I harvest a mature whitetail or not. No my success will depend if I do a good job passing our hunting tradition down to the next generation. This will not be about whether my son harvests a whitetail or not, but about the experiences he has. I just hope that I teach my son as well as my Dad taught me, and he grows up with the same passion we have for mature whitetail deer.

Tom Lester
Monster Raxx LLC