There is only one time of year that I get a little side tracked from thinking about Whitetails. That would be Spring, which is when I start thinking about my second favorite species to hunt. Yes, that's right, the elusive Eastern Turkey of Wisconsin. I love the sounds of the song birds of Spring, especially the gobble of a "Thunder Chicken". After a long Winter, it seems to get me back into the hunting mode, and my predatory skills start kicking in once again. I had my best season of turkey hunting in 2011, which consisted of shooting 3 Longbeards, with the bow, and all on video. Now, it's only been a week since I shot 2 turkeys, on the same day, in 2 different zones with the bow, but it is over, and now I feel the need to get my head back on straight and start thinking / dreaming of big mature bucks of the Fall, since bowhunting Whitetails is my true passion. I have taken some time in past months of preparation for Whitetails, by choosing new stand sites, mineral sites, camera locations, and trimming obstructions in shooting windows. I still have to admit those turkeys pull me away from some of that needed preparation for deer. From here on in, my head is back where I believe it needs to be, and I look forward to spending upcoming weeks in the outdoors, with friends, and also helping them prepare for the "Kings of the Fall". So I'll admit I'm guilty... I've been "Side tracked... just for a little while."